Home/Bible-Study Groups
Going strong since early 2007, the foundation of our home groups is a commitment to confidentiality as we experience Christian fellowship, Koinonia. Each group has a unique flavor, reflecting the personalities of those involved. A common theme, however, is that the participants look for ways that the Holy Spirit is at work in and around us. God is richly diverse in His expression of Himself to His children through His Word, and equally diverse is the experience His children have of Him. While the original meeting format centered on a discussion of the next Sunday’s Propers (and still does), book studies are currently underway in another group. Dinner parties occur often. Members share their burdens with one another and receive support. Corporate and personal prayer abound.
Home groups allow the members of St. Francis to move into family-like relationships with one another. Our goal is to experience God working through and around us as we grow closer to one another through His Son. Please contact any of the facilitators listed below for more information. This is worth the time and effort.
The present facilitators are:
Steve McCown (South Austin)
Doug Cooper (Central Austin)
Amy Crandell (North Austin)
If you would like to join a home group, please contact one of the facilitators. If you would like to host or facilitate one, please contact the Rector.