Since our parish joined the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in 2015, much
of the money that had been used for outreach in previous years is now going to
the Diocese in the form of our tithe to them. Ten per cent of our income
from 2024 will go to the Diocese for its support and outreach. You may
check out their website at
to see the ministries in which the Diocese is involved, and we through them.
As we become more familiar with the workings of the diocese, there will be
additional opportunities to become involved.
St. Francis continues its own outreach locally. We support and contribute
to Mobile Loaves and Fishes, an Austin-based ministry which delivers food,
clothing, hygiene products, and other essential items to homeless persons and
the working poor throughout the metro area. We also conduct an annual
food drive to benefit the food pantry at St. Louis Catholic Church.
Each fall, St. Francis participates in Operation Christmas Child from
Samaritan's Purse. This is a ministry which supplies a box of Christmas
presents to needy children around the world. In 2019, St. Francis sent
77 shoe boxes of gifts to these children. In addition, our parish also
partners with Trotter House providing monthly contributions
as well as donations of diapers and other needs for mothers and their new
babies. Our Anglicans for Life group oversees this association.