St. Francis Bulletin
From the Rector
Fr. Len Giacolone
As most of you know by now, the congregation voted to withdraw from the Episcopal Missionary Church. The vote was taken at a parish meeting on September 7. The practical ramification of this vote is that we are currently not affiliated with any wider Anglican jurisdiction. A committee, under the leadership of Doug Cooper, is now researching the possibilities for a new affiliation with a recommendation due by the end of the year. Likewise, an interim report will be given to the parish by the end of October.
One additional item surfaced at the meeting. It was suggested that many in the congregation may not know what is going on in the Anglican Church either here in this country or around the world. Phoebe Hughes and Mark Rambin volunteered to put together a report to help the congregation understand some of the happenings taking place within the church. Their reports will coincide with the work of Doug’s committee so that the parish can make a more enlightened decision with regard to a new affiliation.
For those of you who might have been concerned about the exercise of my priestly orders, I have obtained a license from an Anglican bishop who is happy to provide what he calls a “temporary tent” in which we can abide until our decision is made. Our departure from the EMC necessitated my resignation from the offices I held in the Diocese of the Western States including the position of Vicar General and Treasurer of the diocese. By the time you read this my successors to these offices will probably have been named.
I was deeply impressed at the meeting with the interest and concern shown about this pivotal move in our parish’s history. As I explained to you at the meeting we are looking forward and I think the future looks bright. I would like to think that by this time next year we will have a new affiliation, a new place to worship and a growing parish. Please keep praying for all of these intentions.
Our study on the Holy Spirit continues on Wednesday evenings at least through October. I plan for the class to last six weeks but will be happy to extend it a week or two if it becomes necessary. It is generally recognized that the Holy Spirit is the person of the Holy Trinity who is least understood, not only in His person but in His work in the church. Our study is meant to rectify that in some way and bring about not only a new understanding but a new cooperation with what He is doing in our lives and in the church.
Although we have been at war since this time in 2001, it appears that we are on the verge of diving further into rather than pulling out of our situation with regard to the war on terrorism. Regardless of what our current administration says about our participation in this ongoing conflict, the forces on the other side seem unwilling to allow it to end. This is being driven by a radical group of Muslims who, according to themselves, have established a caliphate which is intended to take over the entire world for Islam and Allah. Most Americans seem reluctant to enter into this new conflict with the new Islamic State. I, too, hate to see this take place. Nobody likes war. But our future may depend on our putting an end to this threat to our existence before they do. All of this is by way of saying that we need constant prayer about this and in fact everything in our lives if we are not only to return to the America that was founded on a commitment to God, but even to survive as a nation.
New Home Group
David Norris

There's a new home group in town...well not exactly in town. Beginning Wednesday, October 15th. a new home group will begin at the home of David and Kim Norris. We will be doing a Bible study using
Into the Word by Anne Graham Lotz. We will be meeting from 7:00PM - 8:30PM on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Kim and David Norris live 13 miles east of the airport off of Hwy 71 in Cedar Creek. If you are interested in joining us, please see us after Church with any questions or call David @ 512-718-8808.
Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Missy Bernard

It's that time of year again! Each year, the youth of St. Francis participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. The members of the congregation provide the shoe boxes and then the items to go in the shoes boxes.
Shoe boxes are needed! Please see the card table collection set up in the fellowship space and add yours when you can. Letters will go out later this month asking for assistance with donations to fill the boxes. We hope to collect at least 60 boxes this year, and our planned packing date is November 23rd.
For more information about this ministry, go to
Party with the Cows
John & Christina Hatley
The entire St. Francis congregation is invited to a party at the Hatley house for family, church, and friends.
Date: Saturday October 18th
Time: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: 331 County Road 457, Coupland, TX 78615 (~30 miles from the church)
Please RSVP to Christina at 281-380
- 3119 or to John at 512-587-6344 or
Bring a lawn chair as seating is limited and mind the road on the way in, it's a little uneven.
Anglicans for Life
Phoebe Hughes

The Saint Francis Chapter of Anglicans for Life had a table for ten at the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center Fall Extravaganza in September which is their major fund raiser for the year. We also want to remind everyone that the "40 Days for Life" campaign has started but it is not too late to sign up on line.
Our next meeting is on Sunday, October 19, after the 11:00 service. Everyone is invited.
And, don't forget the diapers!
New Property Update
Mark Rambin
Progress! The initial phase of site work has been completed at our new church home on Oak Creek Drive! This included coordination with the City of Austin, installation of erosion controls, a fertilization treatment for the surrounding trees, demolition of the existing structures, and clearing of the planned driveway, parking and building areas. Please feel free to go by and walk the site. Our new address will be 3401 Oak Creek Drive, Austin, Texas 78758.
Answered Prayer
As announced by Fr. Len on 9/14/14 during the 11:00 service.
"All of you are aware, I think, that we have been running a diaper collection for the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center. On Monday of this past week, the staff of the APRC was in prayer for diapers, because they had completely run out. And while they were praying, Phoebe Hughes rang the doorbell and said, "Would you like some diapers?" and delivered -- how many cases? A lot -- and we're still collecting them. The point is, when those people pray, God answers. I'd like to say that it happens every time, but my history with the APRC is that their prayers get answered, usually with about ten seconds to spare. I don't know why God seems to wait till the last minute to answer their prayers, but as far as I know, He has yet to
not answer their prayers. So they're good partners to have. And keep [the diapers] coming."
Diapers are being collected in the fellowship area. Sizes 3, 4 and 5 are needed.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Charlotte Ready
Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance. Members of the ministry lovingly donate their time and talent to knitting or crocheting shawls filled with the power of prayer for those in need. The shawls are prayed over before and during the time of knitting/crocheting. In addition, the shawls are blessed before bring given to the recipient. Anyone who knits or crochets, or wants to learn to knit or crochet, can volunteer to create a shawl. If you want to help but knitting/crocheting is not an option, you can donate to help procure yarn and gift bags. St. Francis' prayer shawl ministry is alive and well having delivered several prayed-over and blessed shawls to those in need. If you would like to participate in this comforting and important ministry, please contact me at
Newsletter Submissions
Newsletter articles are gladly accepted for inclusion in the next month's newsletter. E-mail to by the 20th of the month.