St Francis Bulletin
December 2015, Volume 22, Issue 10
From the Rector
Fr. Len Giacolone
The Diocese of Fort Worth
By now, most of you have either heard my brief synopsis of what took place at the recent diocesan convention or have spoken with someone who was there. For those of you who haven't done either, I hope the following will help.
As all of you know, St. Francis was welcomed into the diocese as a full parish member on Saturday, November 14. As the members from St. Francis who were there marched into the convention hall everyone there stood and applauded our acceptance by the full convention. This followed a beautiful Eucharistic celebration the night before followed by a dinner and reception. The meeting itself included a series of reports from various ministries in the diocese. It was quite remarkable to me the outreach the diocese has to all aspects of the Body of Christ, as they say, from the womb to the tomb. There are a variety of opportunities for our parish to participate in activities within the diocese. Things such as men's and women's retreats (the clergy have one, too); Cursillo, Camp Crucis for youth, (you can speak with Ed Sandlin about that). From now on, we will try to keep you updated on the activities in the diocese via the parish newsletter. In fact, there should be a column in this issue with upcoming events. Obviously, the down side of this is that most of the activities are in or around Fort Worth. But it's not like you will be running up there every week or even every month. I assure you, I won't be. That being said, the opportunities will be there for those who wish to participate.
I have mentioned to you as we were preparing for our incorporation into the diocese that there would be a few minor changes in the way we do things. Nothing major, but a few tweaks. Some of these are liturgical. The first thing is the matter of intinction (the communicant dipping the host into the chalice instead of drinking from the chalice). In the diocese, drinking from the chalice is the norm. If the communicant does not wish to do that, then the proper procedure is for the communicant to hold the host for the priest to dip into the chalice and then for the priest to place the host on the tongue. For many of you that will take some getting used to and I'm certainly not going to fight about it. I'm just passing this along for you to consider.
The other liturgical change may have to wait until we are in our new church. The norm of the diocese is that each church reserve the Sacrament for distribution to the sick when necessary. We already have a tabernacle which usually remains empty. I will be working with the altar guild once we move into the new church to make this a reality. As always, if you have any questions, please see me.
We will maintain our usual liturgical schedule for Christmas this year. On Thursday, December 24 at 8:00 pm we will have our traditional Lessons and Carols celebration followed by Holy Communion. There will be no Evening Prayer on Christmas Eve. Usually, this service is preceded by about twenty minutes of festive music. I believe that will be the case this year also. On Christmas morning I will celebrate Holy Communion at 10:00 am. If you are unable to attend our Christmas Eve service for any reason, this celebration of Christmas would be a wonderful way to give the gift of thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for the gift of His only Son to us for our salvation.

Phoebe Hughes
The St. Francis chapter of Anglicans for Life is collecting funds for the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center's Christmas Project where they make the Holiday more meaningful and happy for the children of their clients. They take the donated funds, select the families and then purchase the presents that are most appropriate. These are wrapped and handed out to the families at the Center and ours will be received on the afternoon of Dec. 20. Everyone is invited to attend to watch the children's fun.
If you wish to contribute, you may send your check made out to the APRC and designated Christmas Fund to Phoebe Hughes, 3005 Kerbey Lane 78703. You may also bring your contribution to church, and cash is acceptable. We'll give you a receipt.
The deadline for our receiving your gift is Dec. 13 and the total will be delivered to APRC on the 14th.

Missy Bernard
Advent starts this coming Sunday. The children will make Advent wreaths on November 29th to take home, and will enjoy using the classroom wreath in the weekly Sunday School lesson. They also will take home Advent calendars and devotional booklets for celebrating Advent in the home. Lighting the candles together and reading the devotional lessons is a favorite activity and really helps us tune out the commercial season and focus our minds and hearts on the arrival of the One for whom we are truly waiting.
This Advent we will be trying parts of the curriculum provided by the Diocese of Ft. Worth. We will take up our One Room Sunday School study of Moses again in January.
Sunday School will pause on December 27th and January 3rd, resuming January 10th.

Operation Christmas Child Boxes
Operation Christmas Child at St. Francis was a great success this year, thanks as always to your generous donations and thoughtful support. The children packed 91 boxes on November 22nd. It was a lot of fun and a great way for the kids to work together for a great cause.
Please pray for the children who will be receiving these gifts. It can be difficult sometimes for us in the developed world to imagine just how much joy they bring. This little video shows a group of school boys in Burundi opening their boxes in the classroom. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you to Mark Rambin for finding it for us!
90 Seconds of Joy

Charlotte Ready
I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all who have made this important ministry possible. We have several new crocheters, and have received monetary donations that have made the procurement of yarn and gift bags possible. To date, we have distributed over twenty-five shawls to those in need of comfort and healing. The love, prayers and blessings imbedded in these shawls have brought many peace & comfort.
Pictured is Patricia Hess, an 82 year old recipient of one of our shawls. The delight of being enveloped in prayer shows in her beaming face. If you want to participate in this ministry, or know of someone in need of the comfort and prayer that these shawls provide, please contact me at

Nominations are being accepted through Dec. 8 for the three open vestry positions. Potential candidates must be confirmed communicants in good standing of at least eighteen (18) years of age, canonically resident in the Parish, and who were financial contributors to the Parish in the preceding year as shown on the records of the Treasurer. Please seek the permission of anyone you wish to nominate and submit the name to a current vestry member.
Snack Hosts

Do you enjoy visiting with your St. Francis friends after the service and munching on the snacks? Considering teaming up with from friends or members of a church group to bring some food. It isn't hard to bring one food item. Sign-up list is always out in the fellowship area. Making the coffee is NOT included, but cleaning up after the 11:00 service is. Questions? Contact David & Kim Norris at
Christmas Poinsettias
If you wish to make a donation for the Christmas poinsettias as a remembrance, memorial or thank offering, please use an envelope from the table at the back of the worship space to enclose your donation. Fill the envelope front out as appropriate and place in the wooden box on the same table.
Pledge Cards

November was designated as pledge month at St. Francis. If you haven't already, fill out a pledge card and return as soon a possible so the Vestry can create a budget.
5th Sunday Activities

Nov. 29 is a 5th Sunday!
- Potluck Luncheon after the 11:00 service
- Nursing Home visit from 3:30- 4:30
3 Brian Glenn
5 James Rambin
Joy Smith
14 Mildred Farris
18 Angie McCown
19 Dinah Arce
22 Jeremy Hutt
30 Genevieve Hatley
21 Kyle and Leanne Read
27 Jeremy and Callie Hutt
30 Arthur and Audrey Woodgate
Readings for December
12/6 2nd Sunday in Advent
Baruch 5:1-9
Psalm 126
Philippians 1:1-11
Luke 3:1-6
12/13 3rd Sunday in Advent
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Psalm 85:7-13
Philippians 4:4-9
Luke 3:7-18
12/20 4th Sunday in Advent
Micah 5:2-4
Psalm 80:1-7
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-56
12/24 Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2-7
Luke 1:5 - 2:20
John 1:1-18
12/25 Christmas Day
Isaiah 9:2-7
Psalm 96
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
12/27 St. John
Exodus 33:18-23
Psalm 92
1 John 1:1-9
John 21:19b-24
Diocesan Upcoming Events

The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
2016 Men's Conference
and Dinner with the Archbishop
Two events: A retreat for men only and a dinner open to all.?
Men's Conference |
Dinner with the Archbishop |
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19-20, 2016
St. Vincent's Cathedral
1300 Forest Ridge Road, Bedford
Friday 7-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Attendees: All men of the diocese
$30 for men over 30,
$20 for men 30 & under
(Includes Saturday lunch)
Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016, at 7 p.m.
Ridglea Country Club
3700 Bernie Anderson Avenue, Fort Worth
Open to all
$50 per person
cash bar available
Save the dates of Feb. 19 & 20, 2016, for the diocesan men's conference at St. Vincent's Cathedral in Bedford. The conference is open to all men, so consider inviting someone you know who would enjoy a weekend of fellowship and spiritual encouragement.
The conference leader is the Most Rev. Foley Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America. Archbishop Beach grew up in the Atlanta area and entered ordained ministry in 1992. He was elected Archbishop in 2014. He and his wife, Allison, are the parents of two grown children.
Lodging is available at the Best Western Plus DFW Airport West, at 421 Airport Freeway in Euless.
Call 817-836-4040 and ask for Fort Worth Diocese/St. Vincent rate of $89-99 plus tax.
Transportation to and from conference/dinner provided. Rate available through Feb. 1, 2016.
If you have questions
about either the Men's Conference or the Saturday dinner,
please write to:
Reservation deadline for both events: Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016.
Click here to register here for one event or both.
Youth Rally
Youth Rally will be at Camp Crucis December 5th-6th. This year's theme is "I am the resurrection". This weekend is open to 6th-12th graders and adult sponsors. The weekend begins with check-in from 8:30-9:30 Saturday morning and ends with closing mass Sunday at11:15. It is $35.00 to attend. The t-shirt is not included and is an additional $10. Forms are available at www.anglicanyouthministries.comunder “events”. E-mail mmr392@gmail with questions.
December Calendar

- Monthly newsletter deadline is the 20th of the month.
- Weekly service bulletin deadline is end of day on Wednesdays.
Send to stfrancisaustin@gmailcom.
St. Francis Anglican Church of Austin
A parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Diocese Office: 2900 Alemeda St., Fort Worth, TX 76108
Bishop: The Rt. Rev'd Jack L. Iker, D.D
Rector: The Rev. Canon Len Giacolone
Music Director and Organist: Paula Blaha
Church Group Leadership
Vestry Members: Senior Warden, Mark Rambin; Junior Warden, Keith Harrell; Treasurer, Michael Ready; Secretary, Jim Crandell; Grady Collins, John Hatley, Ed Sandlin, Don St.Martin, Fr. Len Giacolone
Acolytes: Fr. Len Giacolone
Altar Guild: Becky Hunt
Anglicans for Life: Phoebe Hughes
Austin City Prayer Walk: Amy & Jim Crandell
Choir: Amy Crandell
Christian Education for Youth: Missy Bernard, Doug Cooper
Christian Education for Adults: Fr. Len Giacolone
Evening Prayer: Jim Crandell
Home Group Hosts: Claire Ducker, Anne Idsal, Kim & David Norris
Hospitality: Kim and David Norris
Intercessory Prayer Group: Fr. Len and Nancy Giacolone
Mothers' Prayer Group: Charlotte Ready
Newsletter & Pew Sheet: Amy Crandell
Nursery: Missy Bernard & Grace Rowse
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Charlotte Ready
Readers: Mark Rambin
St. Claire's Guild: Eileen Cole
St. Polycarp's Guild: Jim Crandell
Ushers: Al Parker
Webmaster: Jim Crandell
Women's Bible Study: Becky Hunt
Women of the Church: Leanne Read
5th Sunday Nursing Home Service: Amy & Jim Crandell