St Francis Bulletin
February 2016, Volume 23, Issue 2
From the Rector
Fr. Len Giacolone
Since I am writing this before the parish meeting, I do not know the results of any of the votes that took place there. But I do want to thank all those who offered their names to stand for the offices that were available. I especially want to thank Mark Rambin, Senior Warden, Keith Harrell, Junior Warden, and Secretary of the Vestry, Jim Crandell for their lengthy and distinguished service to our parish. Their contributions have been almost incalculable over the last several years. The new Vestry will have to elect new officers at their first meeting in February with the exceptions of the Senior Warden, whom I have the responsibility to appoint. There are big shoes to fill.
February 10 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. As is our custom, we will have Holy Communion with the distribution of ashes at 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. As you are well aware, Lent is a time of introspection. The church calls upon us to make time during this six week period to go inward and reflect upon our relationship with God. As I am looking at our liturgical calendars, both the one we use and the one the diocese uses, I am drawn to two terms which are prevalent throughout the season of Lent: fast and abstinence. I'm sure you have been asked countless times in your life “What are you giving up for Lent?” While that is certainly an appropriate question, it doesn't quite get to the heart of the matter. It tends to focus on an action rather than the purpose for the action. The gospels tell us to deny yourself not deny yourself something. Too often the fulfillment of a Lenten resolution becomes the focus of our Lenten observance. But the only Lenten resolution that is appropriate is the one that endeavors to come closer to God by denying oneself and focusing on the Lord. This is the reason for fasting and abstaining. Fasting, of course usually means eating less (sometimes not at all, although I don't recommend that). Abstinence refers to not eating meat, usually on Fridays in Lent along with Ash Wednesday. You may of course fast from other things of which you may be particularly fond. TV maybe. But don't simply try to get to the end of Lent without breaking your resolution. Remember, the purpose for all of this is to come closer to God by positive means. More Scripture reading, more spiritual reading, attendance at additional Lenten services (see below). The question becomes how will I deny myself and what will I do to make myself more available to God so that He can form me into the person He wants me to be.
One of the ways we have observed Lent as a parish for the past several years is by having a food drive for the benefit of The Storehouse in Pflugerville. We will do so again this year. Beginning on the first Sunday of Lent and running through Palm Sunday, please bring non-perishable food items to the church. We will deliver them to The Storehouse during Holy Week. Financial contributions are also accepted.
Lenten Services
On the six Wednesdays in Lent following Ash Wednesday, I will celebrate Holy Communion at 7:00 pm in the church and offer my reflections on another spiritual classic, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. You will recall that last year we looked at The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. We'll follow the same format. There isn't time to cover the whole work, nor to go into a great deal of depth. But I believe that there is a wealth of material in the book that can aid us in our spiritual lives. Books such as these are classics in the spiritual life because real spirituality is timeless. There is a tendency in the church sometimes to run after the latest fad, something clever, something that may never have been tried before. A lot of these new things tend to omit the gnarly aspects of the spiritual life because they are uncomfortable. But Thomas à Kempis and Brother Lawrence are still around after hundreds of years. That's because they deal with the real questions of our spiritual life, and the real answers. I hope that you will make an effort to join me on Wednesday evenings during Lent.
Kevin Burnette, Brendle Glomb, and David Norris and were elected to a three year term on the Vestry. Congratulations.
Ed Sandlin was elected to be the delegate to the Diocesan Convention in November. Jim Crandell was selected as the alternate.

Phoebe Hughes
Anglicans for Life will have its regular meeting on Sunday, February 21st, after the 11:00 service. We would like to remind everyone that we are still collecting diapers, wipes, and other baby things for the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center. Also, Central Texas Coalition for Life's Forty Days for Life begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10. If you wish to participate, you can contact the office at
We would love to have you join us with your ideas and support.
Lenten Food Drive
During Lent, St. Francis will be conducting a food drive that benefits The Storehouse, a Christian-based food pantry in Pflugerville. The food items they like to have on hand are:
- Canned fruits/veggies
- Canned meat/fish
- Peanut Butter/Jelly
- 1 pint cooking oil
- 2 pound bag of flour
- 2 pound bag of sugar
- Dish Soap
- Hand Soap
- Toilet Paper
- Diapers
Bring your donations to the office between Feb. 14 and Palm Sunday, March 20. A printed copy of the above list will be available on the table outside the worship space, as well as bags to transport the items.
Jack and Sandra Cochrun, who founded The Storehouse, have an amazing story of the path that brought them to founding this food pantry. Go to and click Our Story.
St. Francis is a church partner with the Storehouse.
40 Days for Life, Spring 2016 Campaign
February 10th – March 20th, 2016
Pick a Location
Spring 2016 Devotionals
40 Days for Life is a volunteer based prayer campaign that draws attention to the injustice of abortion through three simple avenues:
- Prayer and fasting
- Community outreach & Education
- Constant peaceful vigil
Volunteers from Salado pray during the spring 2013 campaign.
40 Days for Life began in Bryan/College Station in 2004. The first nationally coordinated 40 Days for Life was in 2007. Since then, this simple and highly effective campaign has been the channel of great miracles:
- Over 579 cities in all 50 states and have conducted a 40 day prayer vigil at the local abortion facility
- At least 30 different countries have conducted a 40 day prayer vigil including: England, Northern Ireland, Brazil, Peru, Canada, Australia, Denmark, and Spain
- Over 11,165 women haven chosen life for children they were going to abort since 2007 – because of the peaceful presence of people in front of the abortion facilities
- at least 118 workers in abortion facilities have had conversions and quit their jobs
- at least 60 abortion facilities have closed their doors and shut down for good
- Thousands upon thousands of men and women with abortions in their past have finally found healing
40 Days for Life has been a campaign of the Central Texas Coalition for Life since the spring of 2009. Locally, the miracles have been nothing short of amazing:
- 222 women have chosen life for 225 babies that were going to be aborted (three women were pregnant with twins)
- 8 workers have had conversions and left the abortion industry for good!
- Over 3,000 people have brought prayer to the streets of Austin in front of these abortion facilities
- People from more than ONE HUNDRED churches have united arm-in-arm at the local 40 Days for Life prayer vigils
- Thousands of women have been redirected to local pregnancy resource centers for help through their pregnancy and beyond
- Many men and women with abortions in their past have found healing
- Local newspapers, radio stations and magazines have featured the local 40 Days for Life helping to spread awareness about the injustice we stand against
The spring 2016 campaign begins Wednesday, February 10th. If you are interested in participating in this life-saving campaign or in helping to coordinate the campaign, or call the Central Texas Coalition for Life office at 512.296.2071.Prayer volunteers commit to pray for one or more hours each week during the 40 day vigil in front of one of the abortion facilities in south Austin or Planned Parenthood off of Ben White.
The ONLY way this 40 day prayer vigil can happen is if 500+ faithful Christians commit to the prayer vigil.
The Annual Pancake and Sausage Supper will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. This meal on the evening before Ash Wednesday developed as a means to “clean house” in order to prepare for Lenten fasting and of course coincides with Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. All are welcome to have dinner at St. Francis.
Mother's Prayer Group
Mother's Prayer Group will now meet on the third Friday of the month at noon. The next meeting will be Friday, Feb. 19. Any woman who has a son or daughter of any age is welcome to join us as offer prayers of Adoration, Thanksgiving, Confession and Supplication.

1 Dan Harrison
2 Victoria Glomb, Bud Lockhart
4 Jim Britt
5 Patricia Burnette
7 Burt Pigg, Kavya Parker, Willie Parker
9 Kyle Read
12 Mike Ready
18 James Glomb
23 Peggy Presley
27 Claire Carter
25 Jim and Sue Orr
Readings for February
2/7 Quinquagesima (v)
2/10 Ash Wednesday (v)
2/14 1 Lent (v)
2/21 2 Lent (v)
- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
- Psalm 27
- Philippians 3:17-4:1
- Luke 13:22-35
2/28 3 Lent (v)
Diocesan Upcoming Events (selected)
February |
6 |
8 am |
Annual Parish Leaders' Workshop, St. Andrew's, Fort Worth |
13 |
6 pm |
The Bishop's Ball, St. Peter & St. Paul, Arlington |
19-20 |
Annual diocesan Men's Conference, with Archbishop Foley Beach, St. Vincent's Cathedral, Bedford. Register here. |
20 |
7 pm |
Reception and dinner with Archbishop Foley Beach, Ridglea Country Club, Fort Worth. Make reservations here. |
March |
4-6 |
New Beginnings Weekend for grades 6-9, Camp Crucis, Granbury |
5 |
Diocesan Altar Guild meeting, Good Shepherd, Granbury |
22 |
10:30 am |
Mass of Collegiality, St. Vincent's Cathedral |
Note: Visit the Diocese of Fort Worth's website: for additional information on these events.
Bishop Iker is scheduled to visit St. Francis on June 5, 2016.
St. Francis February Calendar

- Monthly newsletter deadline is the 20th of the month.
- Weekly service bulletin deadline is end of day on Wednesdays.
St. Francis Anglican Church of Austin
A parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Diocese Office: 2900 Alemeda St., Fort Worth, TX 76108
Bishop: The Rt. Rev'd Jack L. Iker, D.D
This editor is not much of a tweeter.
Rector: The Rev. Canon Len Giacolone
Music Director and Organist: Paula Blaha
Church Group Leadership
Vestry Members: Senior Warden, Mark Rambin; Junior Warden, Keith Harrell; Treasurer, Michael Ready; Secretary, Jim Crandell; Grady Collins, John Hatley, Ed Sandlin, Don St.Martin, Fr. Len Giacolone
Acolytes: Fr. Len Giacolone
Altar Guild: Becky Hunt
Anglicans for Life: Phoebe Hughes
Austin City Prayer Walk: Amy & Jim Crandell
Choir: Amy Crandell
Christian Education for Youth: Missy Bernard, Doug Cooper
Christian Education for Adults: Fr. Len Giacolone
Evening Prayer: Jim Crandell
Home Group Hosts: Claire Ducker, Doug Cooper, Kim & David Norris
Hospitality: Kim and David Norris
Intercessory Prayer Group: Fr. Len and Nancy Giacolone
Mothers' Prayer Group: Charlotte Ready
Newsletter & Pew Sheet: Amy Crandell
Nursery: Missy Bernard & Grace Rowse
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Charlotte Ready
Readers: Mark Rambin
St. Claire's Guild: Eileen Cole
St. Polycarp's Guild: Jim Crandell
Ushers: Al Parker
Webmaster: Jim Crandell
Women's Bible Study: Becky Hunt
Women of the Church: Leanne Read
5th Sunday Nursing Home Service: Amy & Jim Crandell