My song shall be of | mercy• and judgment;
* unto thee, O | LORD, will I sing.
2 O let me have | understanding
* in | — the way of godliness!
3 When wilt thou come | unto me?
* I will walk in my house | with a perfect heart.
4 I will take no wicked thing in hand; I hate the sins | of unfaithfulness;
* there shall no such | cleave unto me.
5 A froward heart shall de- | -part from me;
* I will not | know a wicked person.
6 Whoso privily slander- | -eth his neighbour,
* him | — will I destroy.
7 Whoso hath also a haughty look and a | proud heart,
* I | will not suffer him.
8 Mine eyes look upon such as are faithful | in the land,
* that | they may dwell with me.
9 Whoso leadeth a | godly life,
* he | — shall be my servant.
10 There shall no deceitful person dwell | in my house;
* he that telleth lies shall not | tarry in my sight.
11 I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are | in the land;
* that I may root out all wicked doers from the | city of the LORD.
Glory be to the Father, and | to the Son,
* and | to the Holy Ghost,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and | ever shall be,
* world without | end. Amen.